Great Garden Videos – Nowness

I love watching garden videos, not gardening how-to, but garden experience videos. My favorite videos allow you to see the movement and life of the garden and include narration by the garden’s creator.  I am constantly getting lost in rabbit holes on youtube, mainly during the winter months when I am craving anything having to do with gardens. The other night I binged watched all the Great Garden Nowness videos, many for second and third times.  The videos feel very similar to watching Five Seasons, and strikes at the passion and emotions of gardens compared to the tasks/how-to of gardening.


All the Nowness Great Garden videos are under 5 minutes and are a great quick watch when you need a quick break. Or watch all in a row and then start selecting some related videos. The Great Dixter video got me hooked on the Garden Provocateur from back in 2012 on the BBC.


Do you have any other great garden videos to watch on youtube or Vimeo?  I would love some recommendations. Also I was thinking of subscribing  HortusTV, and would love to hear a current subscribers thoughts. The website does not give you a good listing of the programs included.


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