I had this image flagged for outdoor lighting, but decided the image deserved to be saved for the boxwood of the week. image by Alexander Bailhache of the Chateau de Marqueyssac. And some additional images from the Chateau Website.

I had this image flagged for outdoor lighting, but decided the image deserved to be saved for the boxwood of the week. image by Alexander Bailhache of the Chateau de Marqueyssac. And some additional images from the Chateau Website.
So yesterday when looking for a copy of the Hinkley advertisement of the railing I want to use as a fence, I stumbled across that they also do landscape lighting and are headquartered in Cleveland (hello Ohio neighbor). I immediately ordered a catalog and bookmarked all my favorite products ready to install for clients and at our display gardens. What is wonderful about Hinkley lighting is … READ MORE
I have been thinking about garden gates as we plan to fence in our backyard for James. We have fence on three of the four sides already, so just need to connect across the front from the sides to the house. this short distance provides us with some flexibility to be creative on the fence design since it is a short … READ MORE
Landscape lighting can dramatically change the appearance of a house and landscape and is so much more than lighting a walkway or carriage lamps. Up/down lighting on a house can highlight wonderful details and shapes typically lost in the dark (and even daylight). While lighting landscape elements can make artwork out of trees, walls and structures for you to enjoy … READ MORE
It has been a few weeks since I have been around on a Friday, so I am past due on a boxwood of the week. This week it will be more than one image of boxwoods, but a wonderful small landscape featured on Southern Living designed by Marquette Clay. There are details and tips for small garden design on the … READ MORE
We planted a veggie garden for a client this year using three 10 foot long galvanized stock tanks. These containers are placed on an irrigation drip line to help with the watering needs and are placed in a gravel bed for easy harvesting. Will make a trip out to get photos of the containers full planted.
I have been lucky to have the same clients from year to year, and a benefit from our relationship is being able to provide something new and different every year. Here are some examples of containers that we refreshed between the years. Aged Metal Cast Urn Spring 2011This year we did large agave with trailing Silver Falls, Dichordra in this client’s urns. … READ MORE
The back of my house gets limited shade in the summer months, and with this heat wave I have been looking into options for shading the lounge area. I think we will use a shade sail as a temporary option, but would love to have something more structural. In the meantime I will draw inspiration from these great shady areas. … READ MORE
Yesterday McCullough’s Landscape & Nursery was featured on Designsponge with a garden before and after. Very excited to have exposure for all the great work the McCullough’s team has done and read all the positive feedback on our work. Within the comments there is a lot of back and forth on removing the turf in the back yard for hardscapes. … READ MORE