Central Ohio, container, Family Gardening, G A R D E N S, Inspiration, Landscape Design, McCullough, My Work, New Albany

Thankful for 2013, looking forward to 2014

Happy first full week of 2014. I hope you are as excited to kick off the new year as I am. I love the rush of the holiday season and then the resulting relaxation of the week between Christmas and New Years. But with January already seven days down, its time to forge on with ticking off the long to … READ MORE

Inspiration, Personal, Uncategorized

Quick trip up to Michigan

This weekend we made a quick visit up to the Northern Detroit area to pick up something for a client at Detroit Garden Works. We decided to make it a little vacation and stayed the night outside Birmingham and visited some family in Northwest Ohio. Both Allison and I love the area of Birmingham for food, shopping and walking the neighborhoods. … READ MORE

Inspiration, wood walls

After the Storm – Firewood

Just over a week ago, Ohio experienced a major storm that brought down trees and branches in almost every yard. Our house made it through with only a few small branches, but our neighbors and a few clients were not so lucky and lost complete trees. The clean up of tree limbs can be dangerous and labor intensive (especially in … READ MORE


Decking or turf? What is your preference?

While exploring Pinterest I came across these two images on the same page. It was amazing to see the same execution of a design theory with two different mediums. You never how when you will be completely inspired.  Decking by Foreign Office Architects, and turf terracing by Charles Jencks. Pins found via